XBRL Europe Day a Milano 5-6 febbraio, call for contribution

Unioncamere e XBRL Italia ospiteranno, anche per quest’anno, l’XBRL Europe Day a Milano i giorni 5 e 6 febbraio. L’evento rappresenta un’occasione di aggiornamento per chi si occupa dell’informativa finanziaria e delle segnalazioni di vigilanza in generale, oltre che un’occasione di incontro e di discussione per la comunità XBRL. I temi principali trattati in questa sessione saranno riguarderanno il regolamento ESEF, l’evoluzione delle segnalazioni del Single Resolution Board e gli aggiornamenti sulla vigilanza assicurativa e bancaria.
XBRL Europe, come in ogni evento, ha annunciato una call for contribution, per dare un’opportunità ai soci della comunità XBRL Europea di acquisire una maggiore visibilità apportando il proprio contributo economico all’evento. Coloro che fossero interessati potranno farlo rispondendo alla call di XBRL Europe.
Di seguito il contenuto della call for contribution:
“Dear friends,
The 24th XBRL Europe Day will be held in Milan the 5th and the 6th of February at the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, thanks to the kind invitation and help of our Italian members. However, such an event also requires additional logistics for coffee breaks, lunch, printing of the program and videorecording of the presentations. The XBRL Europe preparation committee is inviting members to bring their support and share those costs.
The partnership to the catering and logistics of the event is a voluntary contribution. The funding allows the preparation committee to bring more benefits to the participants and the partners are rewarded by higher visibility during the event. Their support is mentioned in the list of entities that made the event possible.
The event is open to the staff of XBRL Europe direct members and participants (members of jurisdictions). The Italian Jurisdiction will also invite external contacts, interested in the XBRL and ESEF developments. Limitations in the number of people apply. If you would like to invite more people or additional contacts, please consider the Inviting Partnership Package. This also allows to hold a table for software demo to your guests and to other participants.
Please fill and send us back the enclosed form to support the event. As software demo tables are limited, the forms will be processed on the principle of first arrived, first served. XBRL Europe Premium members benefit from preferential conditions for fees and priority.
If you need further information please do not hesitate to ask Corinne (corinne.laurie@xbrl-eu.org).”